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Cast iron and corn husks


One of the things you'll know if you spend any amount of time with me is just how much I love cast iron cookware. It's pretty much all I use when I get a chance to cook (which, let's face it, isn't often when you're trapped in the rat race working two jobs). There's something solid and comforting about it that makes me happy and because of that, I'm always on the lookout for more, much to my husband's chagrin 🤣😂🤣🤣.

Luckily I also have a son-in-law, Tyler, who loves it just as much as I do and when I went to Ocean Springs a couple of weeks ago, we hit up an estate sale not far from where he and my daughter Beth live. Know what I saw straight off the bat?? This beauty:

An early 1970's Lodge roasting pan!! For $25?? Yes please! I've not found a modern one this size and weight, and the ones I have found aren't as heavy, are half the size and cost at least twice as much. So yeah, I carried it around this estate sale full of fragile tchotchkes and antiques like I had found Blackbeard's treasure.

I can deal with the rust, it's just a matter of some elbow grease and a nice autumn afternoon.

Or so I thought.

Turns out, someone tried to season OVER THE RUST! WTAF?

So now I have to either find a place to sandblast it or I have to find another nice Saturday afternoon to hand sand it. Honestly, I'm thinking about doing it myself, putting some intention into the cleaning up and re-seasoning process.

Also, this past weekend, I got around to making some corn husk dolls for some banishing rituals I'm doing this month. They aren't the prettiest, but they don't have to be since I'll be burning them with banishing powder. I won't put up a tutorial on how to make these since there are a thousand already on the internet.

I usually save my banishing work for the last month of the Witch's Year and this year is no different. I celebrate Samhain as the beginning of my new year and I never want to take negativity or anything else like that with me into a new chapter. As far as I'm concerned, the dark half of the year is for resting, planning and dreaming, not for dealing with drama, negativity or other such bullshit.

Next post I'll show you how I make my banishing powder and how to use it.

And finally, I've been feeling called to write a book about modern Hearthcraft for a while. After much thought, meditation and sitting with my ancestors, I've decided to take that step! I'm sharing with you the book cover as it stands now. I don't have a release date yet as I'm still working on the manuscript, but know it's coming!

Meanwhile, let me know what you're up to, or shoot me any questions! I'd love to hear from you!

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